Adding links to Telegram Stories can significantly improve your call-to-action (CTA) rate.

Whether you’re a website owner looking to drive traffic to your site,
Want to share an article from a specific source in your Story,
Or plan to promote a product or service, this feature makes all of it possible. 🔥

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to add clickable link to your Telegram Stories and how to customize them,
Such as changing the background color or adding a custom name for link. So, stay with FinalGram.

How to Put Link in Telegram Story (Step-by-Step)

With an update released on June 30, 2024, Telegram introduced the ability to add links to Stories.
However, this feature is currently only available to 🌟 Telegram Premium users.
Without Telegram Premium, this feature is locked for you and is not working.

Follow these steps to add a link to your Telegram Story:

  1. Update Telegram to the latest version.
  2. Select media from your gallery or take a new photo or video.
  3. Tap the sticker icon at the bottom center.
  4. From the available widgets, select Link.
  5. Enter or paste your URL in the URL field.
    You can see the link preview above.
  6. Tap the Add Link button to put it in your Story.

Telegram’s link widget offers several customization options.
For example, you can change the link’s appearance or replace the URL with a custom name.

Change the Background

The link widget offers different background options, such as light and dark themes. 🎨

After adding the link to your Story, simply tap on the link to toggle between background colors.

Long URLs can look cluttered in Stories.
The link widget allows you to replace the URL with a custom link name.
To do this, simply follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the added link.
  2. Select Edit from the menu.
  3. Enable the Customize Link Text toggle.
  4. Enter your desired name in the Link Text field.
  5. Tap the Update Link button to save the changes.

This makes your link look cleaner and more professional in your Telegram Story!

Tip: If you want the URL to be displayed as it is, but it’s too long,
you can use a link-shortening service to make it more concise and clean. ✂️

By default, any link added to your Story will include a preview. 👀
You can easily hide this preview by following these steps:

  1. Press and hold the added link.
  2. Select Edit from the menu.
  3. Tap the X next to the preview to remove it.
  4. Tap the Update Link button to save the changes.

If you don’t want to purchase Telegram Premium,
You can still add a link to your Story using this method:
Simply put the link in the caption of your Story and then publish it. 😎

The link will appear at the bottom of your Story in the caption section,
and viewers will be able to copy and paste it into their browser.

Although this method is a bit informal and unconventional,
It’s still better than not sharing the link at all!

FAQs About Adding Link to Story

How can I remove the link preview?

Simply edit the link and tap the X next to the preview to hide it.

Can I add a link in my Story without Telegram Premium?

You won’t have access to the link widget, but you can still add the link in the caption of the story.

Does adding a link in the Story caption make it clickable?

Before the “Link Widget in Stories” update, links in captions were clickable.
After the update, the clickable link in the caption is only available to Premium users.