Normally, when you send media with a caption on Telegram, the caption appears below it.
However, there are times when you might need the caption to be above the photo or video,
For example, when you want to add a title to the media or make an important announcement! 📢
This small change can make your messages clearer and more engaging.
In this article, we will learn step by step how to move the caption above the media in Telegram.
So, keep reading with ✦ FinalGram.
How to Place Caption Above Media (Step by Step)
This feature has been available in Telegram for a long time,
But due to a poor user experience, it was a bit difficult and complicated to access. 😣
With the update released on December 4, 2024, this feature became more user-friendly,
And now users can use it with just a tap of a button! ✅
By default, the caption appears below the media.
To change its position to above, follow these steps:
- Update Telegram to the latest version.
- Tap the attachment icon 📎 to select your media.
- Write your caption in the “Add a Caption” field.
- Tap the up button that appears on the left to move the caption above.
- Tap the check icon on the right to set the caption and its position.
- Tap the Send button to share your media.
Editing the Position of Caption in Existing Media Messages
When you’ve already sent media with a caption and now want to edit it, moving the caption up or down is a little different. ✏️
To do this, just follow these steps:
- Tap and hold the message, then select ‘Edit’.
- Press and hold the Save button.
- Choose ‘Move Caption Up’ or ‘Move Caption Down’ as needed.
- Tap the Save button to apply the changes.
FAQs About Moving Caption Up
Currently, this feature is available on all platforms, but the way to access it is different.
In Telegram Desktop, when you’re sending media, you need to click on the three dots in the top right corner and then select ‘Move Caption Up.’
Sometimes, you want your caption to be seen before the media.
This is especially useful for storytelling, announcements, or adding punchlines to memes.
After selecting your media and caption, press and hold the send arrow; a menu will appear.
Select ‘Move Caption Up’ to position the text above the media.
2 Responses
I didn’t know this,
It definitely made my post look better.
Thanks for your article.
You’re welcome! We’re glad you found the guide helpful.